Thursday, July 12, 2007

Eeeck, it's been awhile since I posted anything...I know I'm a bad doggie mommy! Well there's not been much to talk about really. I haven't had a class in a month now due to rain and the 4th of July hoilday. Here's a video, after screwing with Photobucket for an hour, of a mini-practice while it was raining out. After that video we got to where I could send him to the jump from 6 FEET! I know, ho-hum, but that's big for us!! (:
I also started little sequences in my back yard (with a gallon of OFF on) of sending him to a target over a jump, or jump table, etc. He's doing great and I'm impressed everyday at what this little guy can learn. I'm really glad that I took the couple of months to work solely on his focus and obedience. I loved JH's class but neither Nemo or I were ready for that level. He was a silly puppy spaz!! Maybe soon we will be...
On the home front things are great, but ever busy. We just got back from Myrtle Beach, which was awesome!! Then my mother and aunt were in town for a couple of days. We shopped and shopped and ate and shopped some more! Work has been insane, but what else is new. :) Oh and we got new next door neighbors yesterday, Jamie and Chris (ahh another Jamie!). We met her yesterday, she seemed really nice.
I think that's all for now... I promise I'll do better with the updates! Ta-ta for now!

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