Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Growing up...

Nemo turned 6 months old yesterday. It's amazing how these little guys grow right before your eyes. This is a picture from a few weeks ago of Nemo and Dakota wrestling as usual.

Nemo had some stitches removed on Saturday. He had a nice cut under his eye that, if I had to guess, was inflicted by Ojoe not feeling like being a "sheep" that day.

Ugh the trials of Nemo....

Anyhow, his coat is coming in beautifully. The vet weighed him in at 14.5 pounds. I need to watch his weight some, but I like his size - he has great bone structure.

Dakota and Nemo both are taking beginner agility classes, which are a riot. Dakota struts her stuff out there and Nemo seems to be enjoying it as well. Nemo is a little speeder and totally fearless, so I think he'll do pretty well if I get my stuff together and make the time to work with them regularly. Marcus and Dakota are soooooo cute together, I can hardly stand it! I'll have to take some "action" shots this weekend to post.

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