Monday, December 03, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

I will have to take pictures of the masterpiece that is our Christmas lights. :o) We did some shopping at Grapevine on Saturday, never made it to the ICE exhibit. 3 hours of shopping totally wears me out. Sunday we started the Christmas decorating...oh boy... it was something. Let me detail the saga for you...
**FLASHBACK Christmas 2006** I decided that stake lights were the end-all-be-all of Christmas lighting. After multiple trips to every Target, Home Depot, Lowes, Hobby Lobby, etc. within a 35 mile radius of our house to find clear C7 lights (the most commonly used light) and ground stakes, I finally had my mother import them from El Paso. Apparently they had a ton, go figure. I then spend a whole Saturday attaching lights to stakes and placing them in the yard. They were AWESOME, for one week... Marcus was taking practice swings with a golf club in the front yard (don't ask me why), smacked a light, it rained, shorted the line, no more stake lights.
**Present Day** I unboxed the infamous stake lights on Saturday with a new exuberance. I went through all five lines and found the two that were shorted out from last year. Then I re-staked the remaining "good" three lines, and we struck out to find replacements for the "bad" ones. Two Targets, a Home Depot, a Walgreens, and one Lowes later, no clear C7 lights... we did find an abundance clear C9 lights at our final stop, and decided it was easier to replace the whole lot, rather than continue try to find the evil C7's. Ok, so I un-stake my C7's, and stake all 6 lines of C9's. Excitedly go out to the yard and stake 150 feet of lights into the ground. Yay!! At 5:30, dark, I am SO excited to turn them on and see them in all their glory...plug in... GORGEOUS, for 45 seconds. Three hours, and 6 blown fuses later, we figured out that you cannot string together 6 continuous lines of C9 lights. Moral of the story: You can never have too many extension cords.

1 comment:

Rossi2009 said...

I hope to learn from your wisdom as we search for the perfect Christmas decorations for our new house! *grin*